Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

As I sit here this Thanksgiving day, I think of all that I have to give thanks for. There are so many things! I'm thankful to God for his Son and for life. I'm thankful for the good times and for the bad, for the years that I labored in school and for the relief of finally finishing. I 'm thankful for my friends, and for all that God has allowed us to experience together. I'm truly thankful for times like we had on Saturday, full of good friends and honest fun!

In years to come, these will be the times that we'll thankfully remember--the songs we sang, the things we learned, and the lives we touched. We will remember our friends, the ones who stood by us during the good times and the bad, the ones who laughed with us, and the ones who mourned with us-- the ones who were just there when we needed to talk.

With all of this, I would just like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Photos of Nicole's birthday Party.

Choir Practice.

An interesting discussion.

Missed photo-op.

Sup Ma?

Robert, Dalton, and Jarvis

The girls talking.


The altos practicing.

Dave and Layne singing "All I Ask of You".

The reaction...

Layne belting it out!

Dave singing the high soprano line.

Layne giving it his all!

The adoring fans!

A rousing round of applause!


  1. In the photo of everyone clapping, Nicole seems to be blocking her ears and hiding behind Merissa.

  2. Love some of the pictures of the...well very active singer!!! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!

  3. Great pictures! Loved them!

    May I suggest a change of caption? It wasn't Nathan and Layne. It was David and Layne.

  4. Thanks Rachel, you most certainly may!

  5. That was so awesome. I definitely think we should do that again some time.

  6. I think it should be mandatory at all birthday parties.

  7. Yours is up next, isn't it Rachel?

  8. I think Amy is first. I'm December 19, so two more months! Not sure if there is anyone else in between.

  9. Great pictures Jesse! Thanks so much for taking them, we weren't sure if our camera was working.

    And yes, Rett, I *was* hiding ;)

  10. I think dressing up for birthday parties would be a nice little tradition to start!

    By the way, my birthday fits in the gap; it's on December 17.
